
LinuxWorld: The line on PMfax – Acts as an answering machine and a fax machine

For all those who use Linux in their office and have been
frustrated with faxing under their favorite OS, life may have just
become easier.
Joe was able to install and configure the PMfax
software and send a fax, all in just 15 minutes.”

“Over a year ago, I was surprised to hear a friend say fax on
Linux was so poor that he couldn’t use Linux in his small office.
The reason for my surprise was that there are not many people who
want to use Linux more than my friend does. He found various fax
programs for Linux, but none of them worked to his satisfaction in
his office environment. He was very unhappy about that state of
affairs. My friend is a cofounder of the Austin LUG, so it was
definitely not just a case of newbie-itis.”

“A couple of months ago, another friend tipped me off about an
upcoming beta of a Linux port of PMfax — a name familiar to me
from my OS/2 days. I didn’t have a modem on my home office LAN, so
I didn’t try it myself, but I told the friend who had mentioned his
bad luck with Linux fax applications. When he described the beta in
glowing terms, I knew the state of Linux faxing was about to change
for the better.”

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