
My ongoing Kafka-esque nightmare of dealing with Palm

“A few days after the Palm Pre was released, I wrote a couple of
programs for it: a restaurant Tip Calculator, and a port of Dali
Clock. These were, as far as I’m aware, the 2nd and 3rd third-party
applications for Palm WebOS that were ever available. I got on this
boat early.

“So why are they still not available in Palm’s App Catalog?
That’s a very good question. This is my story about attempting to
simply distribute this free software that I have written, and how
Palm has so far completely prevented me from doing so.

“The main problem here is that the only reasonable way that
exists to distribute software for the Palm Pre is to get it into
the App Catalog. On Palm’s previous operating system, PalmOS, you
could download and install applications from anywhere. There was a
thriving software ecosystem of third-party applications for the
Palm Treo, Centro, and their decade-long history of PDAs before
that. You could (and I did) buy third-party software that ran on
PalmOS on random web sites, or buy it in physical stores on


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