by Dwight Johnson
Andrew J. Piziali has uploaded libc5 RPMs to the Red Hat FTP
site Incoming.
Usually it takes some hours to get out of Incoming, so if you
don’t find it right away, don’t be discouraged.
Eventually, you will find it in the x86 libc5 area of
contrib at
It is usually more efficient to use an ordinary FTP client
rather than a browser to access the site and then use the ‘site
exec locate’ command to find the software you want.
Here, for example, is the rest of Andy’s announcement to the
redhat-announce list:
x86 and source rpms for Netscape Communicator 4.5, libc5, have been uploaded to:{i386,src}.rpm The x86 rpm is relocatable from the default /usr prefix. Enjoy!
When it gets out of Incoming, we open in
our FTP client and at the prompt enter the command:
site exec locate communicator-4.5
We will then be presented with a list of hits. This will tell us
exactly where in the directory structure at we can
download the software.
I should point out that Red Hat does not endorse or support
packages in its FTP contrib area in any way. Personally, I
have had very good luck with contrib packages. Your
mileage may vary. Just be sure you understand you are using them at
your own risk.