
NewsForge: XFree86 Core Developers Disband–So What?

“It seems like only yesterday the news was leaked on Slashdot
that the XFree86 project would be awarded the $25,000 IDG/Linus
Torvalds Community Award at the winter LinuxWorld Conference and
Expo. Actually, it’s been four years now, and my oh my, how things
have changed. David Dawes, developer/release engineer for the
XFree86 project, posted the news on the project website Wednesday:
The XFree86 core developers team has voted to disband itself.

“Dawes offered no further explanation as to the cause of the
disbanding, and as of this morning had not responded to the email
query we sent Wednesday, but there is plenty of unofficial ‘buzz’
about the situation. Most of the unofficial comments we’ve heard
point to the fact that the core developers team was not performing
up to its name. In fact, it was seen by some as being a roadblock
to continued enhancements and improvements in XFree86…”

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