Thanks to David S for
this link.
“But Meissner, 25, didn’t simply reboot. By day a caretaker of
elderly patients at a state-run nursing home, by night he is a foot
soldier in the liberation army of Linux, an increasingly popular
operating system available free on the Internet.”
“It is hard to believe that the future of software lies in a
haphazard process of farflung programmers e-mailing each other in
the middle of the night, but it just might. Beloved by techies for
its remarkable ability to run for months without crashing and for
its compatibility with other programs, Linux has mutated from geek
fetish to a dark-horse challenger to Microsoft Windows, the
ubiquitous operating system that has defined computing for a
Note that in the Seattle Sunday newspaper where this article
appeared in hardcopy, it is the front page for an entire section,
with a picture of Torvalds pasted over a stock image of James Dean.
-David S