“The free software movement Thursday took its most significant
step yet toward a direct confrontation with the Microsoft
Corporation by introducing software that gives the powerful and
free Linux operating system the ease-of-use found on Windows and
Macintosh computers.”
“The program, which is known as Gnome, for GNU Network Object
Model Environment, was introduced here at the first Linux World
computer exhibition. Its designers said that Gnome would make it
possible for people who are not programmers or technicians to use
Linux and the software that runs on it comfortably.”
“Neither Windows nor the Macintosh operating system is as stable
as Linux, but they are attractive to software developers because
each offers a single set of rules that programmers follow when
writing code. That is possible because the graphical interfaces are
built in to those operating systems. Forcing programmers to write
different code for each Linux interface would undermine efforts to
attract third-party development for it.”
Complete Story (Registration Required, unfortunately.)
A non-registration page is available
here, on PLCOM’s webserver.