“Many large companies have gone for the Open source model so it
is certainly scalable. In the case of JBoss EAP, the community
edition is free and it’s the subscription that you pay for. The
costs per CPU will increase as your capacity increases, but this
will still end up more cost effective than other Java Enterprise
offerings. A primary reason for purchasing a subscription is for
support as and when you should require it, whether that is during
development or for testing, (these phases should be concurrent if
you’re using an Agile approach).“Used in conjunction with web application frameworks such as
Seam (also developed by JBoss) it provides a solid platform on
which to build your web application infrastructure. Seam is
continually being developed by Red Hat, and is essentially a
framework of frameworks and implements the Model View Controller
(MVC) design pattern.”
Open Sesame With Your Source
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