
openSUSE medical team releases stable version 0.0.6

[ Thanks to Sascha
for this link. ]

“Some month our team was busy, and so you hasn’t heard
about us. But we are alive. We are pleased to announce our new
openSUSE Distribution who still medical needs.

“Whats happened? In the beginning of the project we tried to
package some stuff just as beginning. Then we published 2 pre
versions, but there we found some things to fix. We have worked
hard for you, and now we are pleased to announce openSUSE medical
version 0.0.6 with fresh packaged packages.

“What’s new?

“FreeMedForms (FMF) is a multi-platform software (available on
MacOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Windows), multilingual, free and open
source, released under the new BSD license. FreeMedForms is
developed by medical doctors and is mainly intended for health
professionals. Currently, the suite is under development. It is
available only for testing purposes. The main objective of
FreeMedForms is to manage the electronic medical records based on
your medical practice or the practice of clinical research groups.
Your records will be fully customizable through the use of plugins.
Some parts of the suite are already operational and usable in
practice as the prescriber FreeDiams (formerly DrugsInteractions).
If you like to use FreeMedForms, you have to login yourself in the
application as user “admin” with password “admin”.”

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