“Black Adder is theKompany’s Python IDE. However, this simple
answer, while accurate, does not do Black Adder justice. Black
Adder offers Python developers a convenient interface for managing
python files, easily navigating classes, debugging python scripts,
database connectivity via mxODBC, and, of course, creating GUIs in
Python using pyQT and QT Designer. As an added bonus, it does all
this on both Windows and Linux…“I believe first impressions are very important, and Black Adder
made a good first impression on me. While meaningless to most
developers, the first thing that stood out for me was the fact that
Black Adder properly supports Japanese characters (as you can see
in the tree view in this screenshot). I was also impressed with the
clean look of the layout and the meaningful icons used on the
OSNews: Review: theKompany Black Adder Python IDE
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