The author complains about PC’s lack of speed and stability,
then admits that he is evaluating Linux (using a 486).
“Behind me sits my “new” Linux machine, running Red Hat 5.2.
Currently, I’m using Netscape Navigator in addition to the
utilities, management, programs, games and amusements that come
with 5.2. I will download Corel WordPerfect 8.0 for Linux and will
add e-mail. I have no illusions about leaving Windows, given my
proficiency with it, but who knows?”
“Linux is no speedster, but I don’t mind. After all, I’m running
it on a $150 computer–a 66MHz 486-based Compaq Deskpro. For those
castigating me over a column last June in which I confessed to
neither running Linux nor wanting to, I hope you think the crow I’m
eating was worth the wait.”