“Mortice Kern Systems Inc. (TSE:MKX), the number one choice for
UNIX-Linux-Windows interoperability and application migration,
today announced the availability of the MKS Toolkit 7.0 product
family. With this announcement, MKS raises the bar in providing
a complete environment for today’s heterogeneous world of eBusiness
that needs to build, manage and maintain applications and systems
across UNIX, Linux, Windows NT/2000 and the Web cost
effectively and productively.”
“`MKS is leveraging years of experience with MKS Toolkit and
NuTCRACKER Professional in delivering this new, broader product
family,` said Pat Higbie, executive vice president. `We have
integrated and extended our `UNIX on Windows` development and
scripting products to provide development and system administration
solutions for enterprises with heterogeneous UNIX, Linux, and
Windows NT/2000 computing environments.`”
“…every MKS Toolkit product now includes NuTCRACKER
Workstation, the popular operating environment, which provides UNIX
application and script compatibility on Windows. Each MKS Toolkit
product empowers people to leverage the NuTCRACKER Platform —
giving them The Power of UNIX on Windows to perform their jobs
better across UNIX, Linux and Windows.”