“OnChannel, Inc…, the leading developer of operating system
software for sub-$199 set-top PCs, today announced the introduction
of the OS 2000 Beta Test Program for PC manufacturers.
“Scheduled to begin July 31, OnChannel will be shipping
specifications and media based on their OS 2000 hardware reference
platform to select registered manufacturers nationwide. OnChannel
has been testing a prototype based on the reference platform for
the last six months.”
“OnChannel OS 2000 is derived from the popular Linux operating
system, the fastest growing OS worldwide. When set-top PC’s with OS
2000 reach consumers later this year, every popular application
announced for Linux will be available to OnChannel customers. In
addition, OnChannel is planning on supporting voice-over-IP
Internet phone calls using industry standard technology, and a wide
variety of computer peripherals and add-ons.”