
PySol 2.01 – a nice solitaire card game

As posted to C.O.L.A.

                      PySol - a Python Solitaire Game
                             Version 2.01

                 Copyright (C) 1998 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer

What is PySol ?
Obviously, PySol is a solitaire card game written in 100% pure Python :-)

Why yet another solitaire game ?

Hmm. What do you think about this:
  - based upon an extensible solitaire engine
  - currently supports 19 different games - expect more to come
  - very nice look and feel
  - unlimited undo & redo
  - load & save games
  - player statistics
  - hint system
  - demo games
  - support for user written plug-ins
  - integrated HTML help browser
  - PySol is portable across X11, Windows 95/98/NT and MacOS
  - distributed under the GNU GPL
  - full source code available
  - written in Python ;-)

Yeah, I know. But what's new ?

  - 3 new games: Eight Off, Golf and Grandfather's Clock
  - implemented a statusbar
  - new assist function: highlight all moveable piles
  - additional PySol cardsets are available

Cool. Where can I get it ?

Point your browser to http://wildsau.idv.uni-linz.ac.at/mfx/pysol.html
Screenshots are available as well.

What do I need to start playing ?

PySol requires Python 1.5.1 and Tcl/Tk 8.0.3. Both packages are
freely available for Unix, Windows and Macintosh.
See the PySol homepage for installation instructions.

Have fun,


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