GtkGLExt 1.0.0
GtkGLExt 1.0.0
GtkGLExt is an OpenGL extension to GTK.
It provides the GDK objects to support OpenGL rendering in GTK,
and GtkWidget API add-ons to make GTK+ widgets OpenGL-capable.
I'm happy to announce the first stable release 1.0.0 of GtkGLExt.
I would like to thank the various contributors to this project
and everybody who reported bugs.
Special thanks to:
GNOME community ;-)
Janne Lof: Original author of GtkGLArea. GtkGLArea gives me a lot
of valuable information for developing GtkGLExt.
Alif Wahid : Author of a lot of useful example programs.
Thanks to all contributors and bug reporters, including:
Igor Fernandez de Bustos, Scott A. Friedman, Marcelo E. Magallon,
Jordi Rovira i Bonet, Shane Blackett, jlm, Shiro Kawai,
Austin Acton, wrobell, Jussi Laako, Thomas Zimmermann,
Bill Souliotis, Braden McDaniel, Sam Albarano, Jay Painter,
John Hunter, Mark D'voo, C.J. Collier
- Added --gdk-gl-force-indirect GdkGLExt library option.
Application users can use it to force GdkGLExt library to use
indirect rendering context.
- Added --gdk-gl-no-standard-colormap GdkGLExt library option.
If this option is passed, GdkGLExt library doesn't try to find a
standard RGB colormap using XmuLookupStandardColormap().
- Added --disable-sgi-fast-atoms configure option to disable SGI's
fast X atoms optimization feature.
- Added new share-lists.c display list sharing example.
- Minor fix in gtkglwidget.c.
- Cleaned up sources.
GNOME Software Map entry