swfdec 0.3.1
“swfdec is a library for decoding SWF files. It is among other
things used by GStreamer for this purpose. The swfdec library also
contains a simple command line swf player…”
VIPS 7.10.6
“VIPS is a free image processing system. It aims to be about
half way between Excel and Photoshop. It’s very bad at photo
retouching, but it’s great at all the other things Photoshop gets
used for. It’s particularly good with large images (ie. images
larger than the amount of RAM in your machine), and for working
with colour…”
GNOME Utilities 2.9.0
“GNOME Utilities is a collection of useful utilities for the
GNOME Desktop…”
PyGTK 2.4.1
“PyGTK provides a convenient wrapper for the GTK+ library for
use in Python programs, taking care of many of the boring details
such as managing memory and type casting. When combined with
PyORBit and gnome-python, it can be used to write full featured
Gnome applications…”
PgWorksheet 1.5
“PgWorksheet is a simple GUI frontend to PostgreSQL for
executing SQL queries without using the psql command line
TEA text editor 5.1
“TEA is a very small, but powerful text editor with many unique
Flumotion Streaming Server 0.1.2
“The Flumotion Streaming media server is a streaming media
server with a modern distributed design. It supports streaming in
the royalty free Ogg formats…”
wyoEditor 2.1.5
“The editor uses wxStyledTextCtrl of wxWidgets which itself is
based on the Scintilla library…”
“K-3D is a 3D modeling and animation system designed to work
with the industry standard RenderMan interface…”
Alexandria 0.4.0
“Alexandria is a GNOME application to help you manage your book
paco 1.6
“Paco is a simple, yet powerful tool to aid package management
when installing programs from source code…”
GtkPSproc 2.2
“GtkPSproc is a front-end for PSutils. It can be used instead of
LPR in programs, so them should call it when you print…”
mBox 0.5.1
“mBox is editor of tags in MP3 and OGG files, with support for
WMA tag reading. Supports FreeDB. You can edit tags either in file
by file or in multiple files…”
PPPmon 2.0
“PPPmon is a network or modem monitor, that shows the current
bitrate and a graphic. Can monitor nearly all network
Gourmet Recipe Manager 0.6.4
“Gourmet Recipe Manager is a simple but powerful recipe managing
application for the GNOME desktop environment…”
Coaster 0.1.0
“Coaster-GUI is the graphical user frontend for the libburn
library. The goal is to present the user with a complete yet simple
burning solution…”
MySQL Query Browser 1.1.0-gamma
“It combines the simplicity of a Web-browser-like interface with
powerful features like multiple result sets on tab sheets, query
history, storing query ‘bookmarks,’ editing and comparing
resultsets, SQL script debugging, and more…”
libcoaster 0.1 pre1
“Libcoaster is a centralized library of common burn functions
and capplets…”
Gimp# 0.2
“Gimp# is a C# wrapper around the GIMP API. It also offers a
plug-in framework…”
avidemux 2.0.34-test1
“Simple visual editor for most common format (mpeg/avi/ogm/nuv)
and codec (mpeg1/2/4/huffyuv)…”
SmoothGNOME 1.6.4
“A very basic, conservative theme, using the Smooth engine and
HIG colors…”
Gnomoradio 0.15.1
“Gnomoradio is a program that can find, fetch, share, and play
music that is freely available for file sharing…”
gentoo 0.11.53
“GTK+-based graphically configurable dual-pane file
gtk-send-pr 0.4
“gtk-send-pr is a problem report tool, designed to send reports
to a GNATS database server using libesmtp to deliver mail. The
program has a user friendly interface and lets you use any SMTP
server to send the report, removing the need for a local configured
gnochive 0.7.0
“Front-end for compresion/archiving software…”