cbrPager cbrpager-0.9.5
“A no-nonsense, simple to use, small viewer for cbr (comic book
archive) files…”
somaplayer 0.4.3
“Music player for mp3, ogg, wav, audiocd, mp3 streaming, ogg
streaming. It’s fast, comfortable and able to use the appropriate
sound drivers or daemons to male music, to encode in mp3 or ogg,and
to stream directly to an icecast server (icecast2 or
DrPython 3.6.4
“A highly customizable, extensible python ide with a clean and
simple interface, written in wxPython…”
Gtk+ MySQL Command Center (GMySQLCC) 0.2.2
“Gtk+ MySQL Command Center is a GUI client for MySQL
DiaCanvas2 0.14.1
“DiaCanvas2 is a diagram widget for GTK…”
DrQueue 0.52.0
“DrQueue is a tool to distribute shell based tasks such as
rendering images on a per frame basis. DrQueue works under Linux,
FreeBSD, Irix and Mac OS X. It is distributed under GPL and is
composed by three main tools: master, slave and drqman…”
Galeon 1.3.18
“Galeon is a GNOME Web browser based on gecko (the mozilla
rendering engine). It’s fast, it has a light interface, and it is
fully standards-compliant…”
Vex 1.1.0
“A CSS-styled editor for document-type XML such as DocBook and
Gwyddion 1.6
“Gwyddion is a modular SPM (Scanning Probe Microsope) data
visualization and analysis tool. It can be used for all most
frequently used data processing operations including: leveling,
false color plotting, shading, filtering, denoising, data editing,
integral transforms, grain analysis, profile extraction, fractal
analysis, and many more…”