Sodipodi 0.27
Dear friends!
You all time favourite vector drawing program has achieved the next
milestone of its development.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Sodipodi version 0.27!
What's New
Sodipodi 0.27 release notes
Highlights (in order of Changelog):
* Transformation 'stamping' (Masatake)
* Objects with either or both dimension zero show size correctly(me)
* Fully functional radial gradients (me)
* Patterns are displayed (no editing yet) (me)
* You can enter arbitrary unicode values in text context (me)
* Much faster text display (me)
* Rule scale and origin can be changed (me)
* Lots of bugfixes
I would call this bugfix release, wasn't there lots of
behind-the-curtain development. But there is, and this may have broken
more things, than there are fixed.
Tartu, Estonia
Lauris Kaplinski