
Speech output for Linux: speakup v-0.04 released

As posted to C.O.L.A.

  Announcing the fourth alpha release of speakup v-0.04.

Speakup is a screen review package for the Linux operating system.  It
allows you to hear all output directed to the console and move around
the screen using the typical screen review functions.

This is an alpha release which means it is by no means complete.  It
only supports the Double Talk internal synthesizer currently, but
hopefully we will increase it's variety of synths in the not to 
distant future.

It is quite usable in it's current incarnation though, with the 
blaring lack of cursor output support.  That means in an editor it
doesn't read each line as you move up and down the screen.  It tracks
the cursor so you just need to do a say current line but it doesn't do
it all by itself.  There is more to be said for cursor tracking and
speaking than meets the ear at first glance.

Speakup is a set of kernel patches which means you should have some
experience with kernel compiling.  It currently works on the Linux
development kernels 2.1.125 and above.  At this release we are at
kernel 2.1.131.

What's new in v-0.04?  Read the Changes file included in the tar
archive for full descriptions of my changes.  Speakup now has the
functions say from reading cursor line to bottom of screen.  It has
read from top of screen to reading cursor line, as well as read from
left edge to reading cursor and guess what?  Read from reading cursor
to right edge of screen.  I rewrote say next and previous word to wrap
at the end of lines and added sound.  Well, beeps anyway.  Speakup
also bleeps when the colour attribute changes as you move from
character to character.  Rewrote portions of various files to speed up
operation and clean up some bugs.  Oh, don't worry there's still
plenty of bugs to squash!

There is a mailing list for speakup which you are welcome to join if
you are interested in it's on going development.  You can subscribe to
the mailing list by sending a message to listserv@braille.uwo.ca with
a line in the body of the message like this:

subscribe speakup (YourFirstName YourLastName)

The mailing list is currently a very low traffic forum so you probably
won't be overwhelmed with mail.

The official speakup distribution point is
ftp://ftp.braille.uwo.ca/pub/speakup.  For now, I am just dropping the
documents there as I write them.  It will probably become more
organized as time goes on but for now I just want to get information
written and out there for public consumption as quickly as possible.

Speakup is written by Kirk Reiser and Andy Berdan.  It is covered by
the GPL (GNU Public License).

So, like I think that's about it.  If you have any questions feel free
to write me at kirk@braille.uwo.ca.  If you have a DoubleTalk internal
synth, we could really use your feedback.  If you are just diing to
get involved in a software project, boy do we have a bridge to sell
you! 'grin'


email: kirk@braille.uwo.ca
phone: (519) 679-6845 (home)

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