“…in the next four years… the money will be spent on Linux
centers for research and for developing standards and applications
and other technology. The funds will also be spent on alliances
with Linux-focused business partners and on more than 300 IBM Linux
consultants, hardware and software specialists, researchers,
product developers, and services professionals.”
“As part of the initiative, IBM (stock: IBM) has
begun R&D on Linux at its Yamato Software Development Lab and
Tokyo Research Lab in Japan, and its China Research Lab. IBM will
launch in the fourth quarter a Chinese version of its
developerWorks website. A Japanese version already
“Standards development will be conducted at Linux Competency
Centers IBM plans to establish in Yamato, Beijing, Seoul and
Bangalore. The centers will work with the Linux open-source
community in developing standards. Intel Corp. (stock: INTC), Santa
Clara, Calif., and China’s RedFlag Software Co., are among the
supporters of the new initiative, IBM officials said.”