“I was reading through some news on Google and came across this
article on bild.de. The Commodore 64 is due to be rereleased with
an Intel Core 2 Quad, 4GB RAM, a 500GB HDD, Intel chipset, and a
bunch of other features. A peek at the Commodore website shows
Ubuntu, Windows, OSX, Chrome, AROS, and Comodo OSs under the “OS”
link at the top of the page. While OSX is not officially supported,
you could install it with the aid of community developed kernel
extensions (the graphics chipset and the NIC would not be supported
OOB on 10.6) and the purchase of an EFI module or the use of
Chameleon. The hardware is compatible. I am not certain how
compatible the machine would be with AROS. Ubuntu and Chrome would
run beautifully, I am sure.”
The C64 Has Returned
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