
Troubleshooting Professional Magazine: Making it in a Post Microsoft World

[ Thanks to Steve
for this link. ]

Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it. We
Linux, Open Source and Free Software advocates, and Microsoft
critics, have for years prayed for victory over the dark forces of
Darth Gates and Darth Ballmer. We’ve gotten our wish, and it’s time
to put up or shut up.

“Of course, some of us put up years ago. I have friends who
haven’t run Windows for years. Some were smart enough to steer
clear of the Redmond quicksand from the beginning, while others bit
the bullet and converted in the years when Microsoft still ran the
world. Those people have my undying respect — they’re not
hypocrites. But most of us are like me — we run Windows for some
activities — which is exactly why we hate it so much.”

“Some of us needed to feed our families, and during the years
Microsoft owned everything had no choice but to work Windows. Some
needed an app that would not run on Linux. Some stuck with it out
of habit, or to avoid the pain of a switch between any two
operating systems.’

“Most of all, anticipating the transition is daunting. Leaving
favored apps behind, moving thousands of data files (over 15,000
acquired over 14 years in my case), changing hard learned mouse and
keystroke habits and workarounds, finding and learning new apps to
do the tasks we’ve been doing for years. Viewing the transition as
an event is a prescription for procrastination.”


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