
UPDATED: eWeek: Tux: Built for Speed (was “Red Hat Tux 2.0 blows away Apache”)

[ The updated link in this story is a better one, providing
more data than the original item. Thanks to several readers in
talkbacks who pointed out the better version of this article. -ed.

“In most cases, a public benchmark is really nothing
more than a transaction race where bragging rights and platform
pride are the prizes. But every so often, a revolutionary
performance breakthrough comes to the forefront during a test.

In the case of eWeek Labs’ Web server benchmark, Red Hat Inc.’s
Tux 2.0 Web server running on a Linux 2.4 kernel has taken
performance far beyond what was previously possible and blazes the
way for future Web servers built on the same architecture.

Wrking closely with Dell Computer’s Performance Engineering
group (the original group that first published Tux’s amazing
performance benchmarks on the SPECWeb 99 benchmark) a test
performed at eWeek Labs found that Tux was able to perform nearly
three times faster than current Web server mainstay Apache (12,792
transactions per second vs. 4,602 tps) when running a mix of
dynamic and static Web content.”

Updated Link


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