
VirtualDesktop & Multi-monitor simplification and merging

[ Thanks to Rms-Mit for this link.

“I’m new and this is my first blog But I really think I
might have stumbled onto something here that could have some
meaningful impact on the Linux desktop usability. I have though
about this long and hard and the more I think of it the more I
think I’m onto something here.

“I am learning and starting to make some minor contributions BUT
like I said I’m new and this would involve changes beyond my skill
to implement. I hope someone out there with the skills needed might
read this and think to him self that “yea this is not a bad idea”

“I submitted this idea (and it has been accepted) to the KDE
Brainstorm forum but I think many did not fully understand what I
was trying to explain so I hope this clarifies the concept.

“I believe that Virtual Desktops and multi-monitor controls can
be merged to make both more flexible and easy to use. I also
believe that merging these concepts will simplify the virtual
desktop & multi-monitor concepts.”

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