Another column maintaining that the Linux desktop isn’t dead,
and arguing that a.) Eazel was overhyped, b.) the progress of
existing Linux desktop projects continues apace, and c.) that all
Linux really needs to do is maintain its status as a “credible
alternative” providing more flexibility and openness than
“I find it rather surprising that, soon after the
financial collapse of open source software developer Eazel, a
number of folks have come out and declared the Linux desktop dead.
The most eloquent such requiem appeared over at LinuxPlanet, but
I’ve heard others share similar concerns. Take Eazel’s problems as
a wake-up call, they say, and concentrate on the server, where
Linux is both more proven and more established within the computing
mainstream.To me, that’s nonsense. Not only is the Linux desktop far from
dead, it’s right on track.”