If ZDNet has its way, the next generation of Linux users
will think FTPstands for “Failed To Print”.
by Dwight Johnson
ZDNet is not about to let Linuxberg make all the money on the
avalanche of Linux downloads starting down the slope.
Here’s a hot one:
Linux Kernel DOWNLOAD NOW.
“Linux is a Unix clone written from scratch by Linus Torvalds
with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers… It has all
the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix…
“System Requirements: any operating system
“Purchase Information: Free.
“Rating: NR
“Version Number: 2.2
“Downloads to Date: New Upload
“Compressed Size: 13,067,769 bytes”
The name of the file is ‘lnxkupd.zip’. Oh, man! I guess that’s
it for ‘tar.gz’ as well!