[ Thanks to Bo Rosen
for this link. ]
There are two streams running in parallel in this column: one is
that “many Linux zealots make fools of themselves,” and that it’s
with no small amount of bravery that the columnist in question
faces down the “Linux cult.”
The other stream is considerably more muddied, but it involves
TCO, Java, fragmentation, the embedded market, and a handful of
other things.
So we’re inclined to ask of our readers: is the “dead desktop”
meme tapped out? Is there anything more we could possibly link to
that would say anything that hasn’t been said? Did we go one step
too far bothering with this one?
“Linux will never become common as a desktop operating
system, and no amount of believing will change that. It only makes
adherents look stupid. Why? Because Linux is too complex, and there
isn’t enough money to make it worth someone’s time to build a
really great environment for desktop apps. And then software
companies would need to build applications, but how large a market
is there? Yes, chicken-and-egg, but that stops many things, not
just desktop Linux.”