
DevChannel: Test Drive: SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 for Intel Itanium2 Processor Family

[ Thanks to HeavyD for this link.

“My thanks to Ion Computer’s Paul Scheremeta and Keith Josephson
for making a test machine available and for providing assistance
for this review. The machine was an Itanium 2 server equipped with
4 900MHz CPUs with 1.5MB of Level 3 cache for each processor. It
contained 8GB of DDR memory and a 36GB Ultra160 10,000 RPM SCSI

“Keith of Ion Computer installed SLES 8 on the server and said
it was a typical SLES install.

“Outside of the need to add a couple of additional packages, the
only glitch was that the installation did not include a kernel to
support the multiple CPUs. ‘I had to manually (and forcefully)
install the SMP kernel RPM,’ said Keith. But once this was done,
the machine looked remarkably familiar. As Keith put it, ‘It feels
like Linux…'”

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