Fedora 32 is set to ship next week (pending any last minute delays) with the Linux 5.6.5 kernel and GCC 10.0.1. This differs from Ubuntu 20.04 sticking to the Linux 5.4 LTS kernel and also remaining on GCC 9 with GCC 10 stable not being out yet. Fedora 32 is also using the GNOME Wayland session by default while Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is sticking to the X.Org session. Both Linux distributions have in common GNOME Shell 3.36.1 desktop, Mesa 20.0.4 for the graphics drivers, X.Org Server 1.20, EXT4 by default, and other packages like Python 3.8.2 and PHP 7.4.
Fedora 32 vs. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Engaged In Some Healthy Competition Over Performance
Michael Larabel
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