
OSNews: Linux on the Opteron, Part III

“Continuing with the Linux on the AMD64 series of articles, this
installment is to be a summary of two new distributions, and the
changes that have been made to Gentoo since the last installment.
Here I review the installation of TurboLinux 8 (both with and
without the update CD), the installation of Fedora Core for x86_64,
and more news on Gentoo for the AMD64…

“I note that on some discussion boards a lot of AMD64 users are
having better luck (performance?) with the VIA KT800 chipset based
motherboard. I have not been up to speed much with the entire 64FX
line from AMD, but it seems that some motherboard manufacturers are
migrating to the KT800 for the FX line. My digression is really to
point out that many have observed better support for the KT800,
regardless of using an Opteron or a 64FX. Since I do not have a
64FX CPU, nor a KT800 motherboard I can not comment directly.


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