
Wired: IBM’s Big Linux Push in Europe

“IBM will invest more than $200 million to fund a series of new
Linux initiatives across Europe and on the Internet. The plan
centers on the company’s new European Linux development centers
located in Paris and Montpelier, France; Budapest, Hungary;
England, and Germany.”

“IBM plans to staff the centers with software and server support
specialists as well as stocking them with Linux-ready hardware and
software. The centers are intended to help European independent
software vendors develop Linux-based applications and systems and
to assist customers in making the transition to the Linux operating

“The company will also launch a Linux community portal to help
developers and vendors obtain the systems, software, and technical
skills available at the European centers. … “Part of our
Linux strategy is to donate technology and resources to the
said Daniel Frye, director of IBM’s Linux
Technology Center in Somers, N.Y. “Our virtual Linux Technology
Center complements our physical efforts in Europe. We are
excited to work with the community to develop more Linux
applications while simultaneously helping Linux mature.”


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