“Requiring extra room in the house for geeky things – Not all
geeks have exactly the same space needs, but we’ve all got
more than most people. There are the comic book collections
accumulated over several decades, the stacks of board games and
RPGs, and the old computer equipment that might be useful someday,
you never know! Some of us need just a good-size closet or two,
some of us need a room, and some of us take over the entire
basement. For some strange reason, the people we live with tend to
get a little annoyed at this.“7. Geeky toys and decorations can be hard to explain to kids –
Long has my plush vorpal bunny languished atop a tall bookcase,
waiting for the day when my kids are old enough not to be scared by
its huge bloody fangs. And how to properly explain my model of
Minas Tirith to kids not quite old enough for The Lord of the
Rings? I mean, if we say “You remember The Hobbit?”
10 Annoying Habits of a Geeky Spouse (GeekDad Wayback Machine)
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