[ Thanks to Ken Hess for this link.
“In alphabetical order, my favorite ten special Linux
distributions are:“1. 64 Studio – Ah, 64 Studio, based on Debian/Ubuntu, is one
fine piece of work. This is one distro that you could lose a lot of
sleep to–especially if you’re the creative type. I’m so much of a
multimedia wannabe that I burned almost ten straight hours just
checking out everything and making a total multimedia fool of
myself–I’ll spare you the disgusting details of my romp. I
discovered one thing very quickly: I’m not smart enough to be
productive with 64 Studio. If you’re a multimedia mogul, proceed
happily with this one. It comes with 2D/3D graphics programs,
animation software, publishing, web design, audio production, video
editing and some stuff that I know so little about that you’ll have
to discover it for yourself. Get this one but beware–I think that
once you start working with it, you enter a dark 4th dimension
where time seems not to exist.“2. ArtistX – Another time vacuum for those of us who aspire to
artistic greatness. ArtistX sports almost every available free
multimedia software program and suite in existence. Chances are
that if it isn’t in ArtistX, you might not need or want it.”