[ Thanks to Bryan
Taylor for this link. ] 2600 has audio in Real and MP3
formats from their ongoing DeCSS appeal.
“We’ve gotten ahold of the audio from last Tuesday’s
hearing before the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York on our
posting of the DeCSS code.We’ve made it available in a variety of formats and it’s divided
into two parts. The first part consists of about 15 minutes of Dean
Kathleen Sullivan’s argument for our side, which came at the end of
a tape which had a lot of other cases on it – hence its shortness.
The second and final part consists of the rest of the proceedings,
which runs around an hour and 18 minutes. It contains the remainder
of Dean Sullivan’s argument, as well as those of Assistant U.S.
Attorney Daniel Alter for the U.S. government and attorney Charles
Sims for the motion picture industry.Because of a tape flip, there are about 30 seconds of silence at
around 46 minutes into Part 2. At both this point and at the
beginning of Part 2, approximately one minute of material from the
previous part is repeated.”