
32BitsOnline: Graphical E-mail Clients

“… are there any graphical e-mail clients for Linux/UNIX
workstations? The answer is yes…”

“Arrow is a full-featured, graphical e-mail client for GNU/Linux
and the X Window System… features… include sharing the address
book format with Pine, POP server access, rearranging messages via
drag-and-drop, and full PGP support…’

“Postilion… is one of the most completely developed mail
clients. Postilion is based on the popular TkRat [BSD type] mail
user agent…”

“XFMail… supports many of the features common to e-mail
clients. Some of the new features of version 1.3 include
multi-account mail retrieving, multiple IMAP servers, a preview
pane, PGP 5.0 support, and URL highlighting…”

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