[ Thanks to Monica
Ortiz for this announcement: ]
Berkeley, CA – The teaming up of the USENIX Association and the
Atlanta Linux Showcase is producing a new kind of Linux Conference.
Next month’s 4th Annual Linux Showcase & Conference (ALS 2000)
technically saavy program has already attracted platinum
sponsorship from heavyweights in the Linux community such as VA
Linux, SuSE, Atipa, IBM, Compaq, and RedHat.
The new partnership between ALS and USENIX has been welcomed by
the Linux community as the perfect meld of high-caliber, technical
conference programming delivered in the form of a warm,
community-oriented show. With ALS 2000, USENIX flexes its
considerable muscle in developing technical tracks addressing
clusters, development, and system administration issues, as Linux
continues to be integrated into existing IT environments. Linux
notables such as Ted Ts’o, Peter Beckman, John “Maddog” Hall, and
Marc Torres are already key parts of the conference committee.
ALS 2000 features three days of new technical tracks. Hack
Linux, the Technical Development track, covers a wide range of
low-level systems issues, including Linux kernel performance, new
and upcoming filesystems that have been ported to Linux, the latest
developments in XFree86, kernel security enhancements, and much,
much more. Use Linux, the Tools and Applications track, examines
topics such as development on Mozilla, Perl, Python and Zope; Linux
tools for graphic artists; and Integrating Linux and Windows
systems. Extreme Linux, the Clusters and High Performance track,
explores and expands the use of clusters of commodity nodes and
Linux to enable efficient, affordable computational engines.
Keynote Speakers Ken Coar of Apache Software Foundation and
Larry Wall, inventor of PERL, highlight the conference with their
views on the Open Source community. In addition Urs Hoelzle, Vice
President of Engineering for Google,talks about Linux Clustering in
the Real World. Conference attendees have ample opportunities to
network and learn new tricks in two days of tutorials
Works-In-Progress reports, poster demonstrations,
Birds-Of-A-Feather sessions, Linux in Action, and, of course, the
infamous “hallway track” where attendees gather in groups to swap
opinions, suggestions, and tips. And of course, ALS’s free Vendor
Exhibition is back for three days with over 85 companies and open
source community organizations.
ALS 2000 promises to be the best of both worlds, a place to talk
with Linux folks of like mind and where all the cool goodies can be
collected. The 4th Annual Linux Showcase & Conference will be
held on October 10 – 14, 2000 at the Cobb Galleria in Atlanta,
Georgia. Full conference program and registration is available
online at http://www.linuxshowcase.org.
USENIX is The Advanced Computing Systems Association, an
international, not-for-profit society of engineers, scientists and
systems administrators working in the cutting edge of systems and
software. For 25 years, USENIX conferences and workshops have been
the forum for the quality exchange of technical ideas and