“Welcome to the last of the disappointing AWN’s (feature-wise)
and the first Sunday-released AWN. Due to unexpected time
constraints (ironically), some of the information is dated by a few
hours. QA heros will return next week (along with bug linking and
other features you probably appreciate). The AWN is reaching it’s
final phases of what you can expect consistently. Any comments that
seem off or shouldn’t be there probably shouldn’t be there. This
AWN maybe updated for the Weekly Prize Patch and any fixes I want
to get in.“AbiFund information maybe updated monthly, QA will be more
extensive and any changes you want to see in the AWN should get to
me in the next couple of weeks.“Now, as for AbiWord, 1.1.1 was released this week, in the four
month build up to AbiWord II: The Wrath of Dom, this version is
even niftier. Will and Marc start a wv-like library for
WordPerfect. And there’s still some more dipping into learning how
AbiWord’s proprietary format works…”
AbiWord Weekly News #117 by Eric A. Zen
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