“Dialtone Internet, Inc., a leading provider of Linux
dedicated hosting and colocation solutions, today announced
that all its Linux Servers and Linux Cluster Servers are being
updated to deliver web content to wireless devices. All
Dialtone Internet Linux Servers will be WAP/WML (Wireless
Application Protocol/Wireless Markup Language) enabled in the
coming days.”
“WAP phones are driving a market that needs to supply and modify
relevant information quickly and clearly. Already the preferred
mode of Internet access in Southeast Asia, it is predicted that by
2004 more people will be accessing the Internet via wireless
devices than from Personal Computers. Dialtone Internet’s Servers’
ability to provide content to anyone with an Internet enabled
cellular phone or wireless device would add extra value to its
customers who want their web sites “Wireless Enabled”.”
“Wireless is an exciting and explosive new marketing area. We
have a backlog of clients ‘panting’ for server based
infrastructure”, said Derek LaFavor, President of The Selling
Source, Inc. (http://www.sellingsource.com). “The ability to
communicate with selected audiences, in a direct and timely manner,
is a marketer’s dream come true. We applaud Dialtone Internet for
being one of the first to enable server based wireless!”