
AllLinuxDevices: Indre… what??!!! [an Indrema backgrounder]

“Yes, the world seems wrapped up in next-generation consoles. Be
it the Playstation 2 or the Xbox, the entire consumer electronics
industry is caught up in a whirlwind of hype. Some of it is
warranted Steadily, video game graphics are reaching the
computer-generated visual ecstasy that is Toy Story (1 not 2,
although that would be nice too) and getting closer and closer to
generating graphics that mimic high-end CGI in real-time.”

“And not only are games simply nicer to look at, they are more
complex and involving, offering several hours, if not days, of
gameplay. It’s little wonder why these consoles are getting the
attention they are getting.”

“So it stands to reason that Sony, Sega, Microsoft and Nintendo
have a stranglehold on the industry hype. Billions of dollars are
at stake and many times generating sufficient buzz is all it takes
to secure a spot on the industry’s bestseller lists.”

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