
And thank you for the penguins

[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for
this link. ]

“Of the many thousands of things we have Linus Torvalds
to thank for, one of them is the venerable penguin, symbol of all
things Linux. But what if Linus had chosen to instead use the Gnu
(I know, that one was already taken, but humor me here), or a
beaver, or a bear, or maybe a demon like Freebsd uses? (already,
it’s technical a “daemon”, but let’s ignore the technicalities for
the sake of this argument.)

“What would that relay to the world at large? Well, if he had
chosen to go with a character like the FreeBSD “Daemon” mascot,
~80% of the world would have avoided us like the plague, saying
we’re a bunch of Satan worshiping geeks or something”


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