
Announcing “TasLUG”

Tasmanian Linux users now have a group of keen enthusiasts to
help them spread the good word around the state! Linux Users of
Victoria (LUV) have sponsored ‘TasLUG’ to help support and grow the
Linux effort down south.

Started in 1993, LUV now has over 500 members, and we are
looking to see how we can use our wide userbase to support and
further the Linux cause around Australia. When a user from
“Penguin, Tasmania” asked about joining LUV, we knew it was our
duty to ensure that all Linux users from such an aptly name town
received our full support! 🙂

So if you live in Penguin (or anywhere else in Tasmania) be sure
to join TasLUG by mailing ‘subscribe taslug’ to

(For the geographically challenged, “Penguin” is a small town on
the North-West coast of Tasmania)

TasLUG don’t have a website yet, until they do, you can
visit LUV’s website.

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