Hello all, I have just finished my first BeroLinux 1.1 CDs. As with version 1.0, there are 3 CDs (K6 version, i586 version, Sources). I'll snailmail CDs to ISPs first thing in the morning - download should be available some time next week. I can start taking orders for CD sets right now - a set of 3 CDs is 10 Euro + postage. You can take off 1.2 Euro for every CD you don't want. Postage: - in Germany: 3.00 DM - in Europe: 2.56 Euro - outside Europe: 5.11 Euro People in America might want to wait for a while - there will be US distributors soon (so postage will get cheaper for you). Changes in BeroLinux 1.1: ========================= Updated base packages: ---------------------- - BeroFTPD 1.3.4 - ORBit 0.4.0 - TiMidity++ 1.3.5 - WindowMaker 0.51.2 - a2ps 4.12 - audiofile 0.1.6 - binutils - cdrecord 1.8a19 - control-center 1.0.2 - ee 0.3.8 - enlightenment-conf 0.14 - esound 0.2.8 - freeciv cvs-99-Mar-06 - glib 1.2.0 - gimp 1.1.3 - gnome-audio 1.0.0 - gnome-core 1.0.1 - gnome-games 1.0.1 - gnome-libs 1.0.2 - gnome-media 1.0.1 - gnome-network 1.0.1 - gnome-objc 1.0.1 - gnome-pim 1.0.1 - gnome-utils 1.0.1 - gtk+ 1.2.0 - gtk-engines 0.5 - imlib 1.9.4 - kaffe 1.0b3 - kernel 2.2.3 - libgtop 1.0.1 - libungif 4.1.0 - libxml 1.0.0 - licq 0.61 - linuxconf 1.13r15 - lsof 4.41 - mc 4.5.23 - mkisofs 1.12b5 *** now taken from cdrecord *** - ncurses 5.0-19990307 - procmail 3.12 - procps 2.0 / 1.2.10 (procps-old) - qt 1.43 - samba 2.0.3 - util-linux 2.9i - xscreensaver 3.07 New packages: ------------- - GXedit 1.22 - Maverik 4.2 - Ted 2.3 - TiMidity++-beta 2.0.0-beta2 - bind-beta 8.2 - cdrecord-cdda2wav 1.8a19 - gedit 0.5.1 - gftp 1.12 - gnome-python 1.0.0 - gnotepad+ 1.0.8 - gnumeric 0.15 - gqview 0.5.1 - jdk-beta 1.2pre1 - kcdwrite 0.0.1 - keasycd 0.1.6 - kISDN 0.7.3 - kreatecd 0.2.1 - ksiag 3.0.6 - libPropList 0.8.3 - musictex 520 - musixtex T93 - rosegarden 2.1 - siag 3.1.7 - xchat 0.9.1 BeroLinux specific changes: - XFree86 * Update xtt TrueType patch to 1.2.1 * Add support for KDE and GNOME sessions to xdm - berolinux-release 1.1-bero1 * Add release notes to the package - gnome-core 1.0.1-bero1 * Add support for bzip2'ed and gzip'ed man/info pages to gnome-help-browser * get KDE menus - initscripts 3.78-bero2 * replace the bogus "ps aul" with "ps axl" in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-ppp - isdn4k-utils 3.0beta2-bero1 * add DNS (usepeerdns) patch to ipppd - kdebase 1.1-bero2 * get GNOME menus * add GNOME session to KDM - kdelibs 1.1-bero2 * fix security leak - kdesupport 1.1-bero2 * Update giflib to 4.1.0 (fixes memory leak), jpeglib to 6b - kernel 2.2.3-bero1 * Apply ac1 patch (large file array patch, etc.) * Merge current isdn4linux CVS version, which is MUCH better Changes to installer: * Permit Realtek RTL 8129/8139 Ethernet cards --- http://www.berolinux.za.net/ ---
BeroLinux 1.1 released
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