“D.H. Brown Associates, Inc., a leading technology assessment
firm, today published the first comprehensive functional evaluation
of Linux as a commercial server operating environment.”
“The study shows that Linux provides a credible solution for
four specific application areas – file- and print-sharing or Web
server applications; appliance-class systems; Internet Service
Providers; and compute nodes in technical computing clusters. Linux
also minimizes price and avoids vendor lock-in.”
“Conventional UNIX operating systems and Windows NT, however,
still retain the lead for meeting overall enterprise computing
requirements. “While developers of conventional operating systems
must now watch over their shoulders for Linux’s growing
capabilities, they continuously enhance their offerings in a heated
race for new functionality,” said Bill Moran, D.H. Brown
Associates’ Director of Open Systems Research. “Currently, Linux
needs to be taken seriously as a viable solution for specific tasks
due to its combination of good-enough function and low cost.”