
BW: OnCore Systems Releases Certifiable Open Source OS for Digital Avionics Manufacturers…

“OnCore Systems Corporation, developer of the OnCore Systems
Software Foundation, the most powerful embedded OS of its kind,
today released a companion open source operating system product to
meet the needs of digital avionics manufacturers requiring RTCA /
EUROCAE DO-178B certification.”

“MicroC/OS-II is a real-time operating system (RTOS)
developed by Jean Labrosse, an embedded systems pioneer in open
source software.
His book, “MicroC/OS-II, The Real-Time
Kernel” (ISBN 0-87930-543-6), has been widely sold and used as a
valuable reference source by embedded engineers in over 45
countries. The MicroC/OS-II offering contains all of the services
that one would expect from an industrial-strength, preemptive RTOS:
semaphores, message mailboxes, message queues, event flags,
interrupts, time delays and more. Each system call is fully
described in detail in his book, and is published with a companion
CD containing all of Labrosse’s meticulously coded software
modules. MicroC/OS-II has been ported to over 30

“OnCore partnered with Jean Labrosse’s Micrium and Validated
Software to create a full certification package of source code,
build files and requirements, design, test and integration
documentation to meet all requirements of avionics manufacturers
seeking to obtain Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
RTCA/EUROCAE DO-178B certification. This certification package will
support the industry’s highest Level A certification.”

Press Release

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