“OnCore Systems Corporation, developer of the OnCore Systems
Software Foundation, the most powerful embedded OS of its kind,
today released a companion open source operating system product to
meet the needs of digital avionics manufacturers requiring RTCA /
EUROCAE DO-178B certification.”
“MicroC/OS-II is a real-time operating system (RTOS)
developed by Jean Labrosse, an embedded systems pioneer in open
source software. His book, “MicroC/OS-II, The Real-Time
Kernel” (ISBN 0-87930-543-6), has been widely sold and used as a
valuable reference source by embedded engineers in over 45
countries. The MicroC/OS-II offering contains all of the services
that one would expect from an industrial-strength, preemptive RTOS:
semaphores, message mailboxes, message queues, event flags,
interrupts, time delays and more. Each system call is fully
described in detail in his book, and is published with a companion
CD containing all of Labrosse’s meticulously coded software
modules. MicroC/OS-II has been ported to over 30
“OnCore partnered with Jean Labrosse’s Micrium and Validated
Software to create a full certification package of source code,
build files and requirements, design, test and integration
documentation to meet all requirements of avionics manufacturers
seeking to obtain Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
RTCA/EUROCAE DO-178B certification. This certification package will
support the industry’s highest Level A certification.”