“The Fedora project needs a slogan for their next release of
Fedora, Fedora 13, they need it as quick as possible so that it can
be include it in the alpha release of Fedora 13 that’s coming out
on March 9. >“All slogan suggestions need to submitted by 2nd of March,
2010.“Here’s how your slogan needs to be:
* Must be between 1-3 words
* Slogan needs to be an active sentence, like a command e.g. F8: Go
higher F11: Reign
* Slogan must be positive and reflect the idea that Fedora lets
users achieve something great
* Should reflect one or more of the themes from the artwork created
by the Artwork team for this release (see the wiki page”
Calling all Geeks � Fedora 13 needs your help!
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