“MySQL is now really an Oracle product, price included. In fact
the company announced cutting the lower-level license and support
plans, basically raising the minimum price 4 times at 2,000 USD per
server. Not cheap for a database most people think it is free,
while it is free only for open source projects (OK, the story is
more complex but I blogged and debated this already a few times,
don’t want to get back to it: In short, if you write and distribute
a vertical client/server Delphi application against this database
it is likely that you or your customers will have to pay for the
MySQL license).“Not only this announce is bad because of the extra money many
MySQL users will have to pay, but also because it shows a clear
signal Oracle wants to kill the cheap competition… and you never
know what’s next. Perception is important, and the effect of this
move is quite bad. By the way, they also removed the transactional
engine from the free “community” offering for open source projects
[well, seems I was misled on this by an article I read]. I just
migrated my Delphi open source accounting package (the Italian GO)
to it, will probably have to revert back…”
Can Firebird gain against MySQL?
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