“In the 1990s Linus Torvalds used to give a talk called World
Domination 101 on the early steps he believed Linux would need to
take to achieve ‘world domination–fast.’ We’ve made a lot of
progress since then, but Linux desktop market share remains stuck
below 5%, which is too low to garner support from hardware vendors
in some critical areas like graphics and wireless hardware, and too
small a political base from which to effectively oppose software
patents, hardware DRM, and other horrors. For those within the
Linux community, World Domination 201 is about how to take
advantage of an opportunity to go the rest of the way. For those
outside it, this is a warning of what’s coming if we fail.“When 8-bit microcomputer hardware stopped selling, it took 8
bit software down with it. The end of 16-bit hardware undid the
dominance of DOS, and the end of 32-bit hardware spells the end of
the road for Win-32. What will replace 32 bit Windows as the next
dominant OS has yet to be decided…”