
Community: The First Linux High School in the World

[ Thanks to Artur
for this link. ]

7Bulls.com Ltd. and the
headmaster at the Jedrzej Sniadecki high school in Szczytno have
entered an agreement concerning the launching of the Linux-profile
high school. As a result of the agreement 7Bulls.com is going to
assist the school (LINUX high) in training their teaching staff.
The training outline had been drafted in the course of earlier,
close cooperation between the two partners. The goal of the
undertaking is to start teaching how to administer Linux , a free
operating system, which is continually increasing its market share
and is bound to replace in the future commercial operating systems
like Microsoft Windows NT.

Linux is going to be taught over the four years of education at
the school. Upon graduation students will be awarded with
“Certificated Linux Administrator – CLA” certificate. This will
allow students to receive their first IT certifications relatively
early comparing to the traditional, expensive way of gaining IT
certifications in the course of trainings held by the producers of
commercial operating systems. Graduates will be in a favorable
position when applying for managerial positions in the IT industry,
both in public and commercial institutions.

Linux high in Szczytno is going to be the first public school in
the world where Linux OS will be the subject of studies. In this
way school’s authorities would like to stress the necessity of
implementing modern technologies at a stage as early as high
school. Linux is becoming more and more popular operating system in
the world and has been warmly welcomed by the US and Europe based
companies, a good example of which are the events which took place
on those markets.

Jedrzej Sniadecki School is the biggest school in the town of
Szczytno and one of the biggest in the Warmia-mazury region. School
has two networked computer labs, hotel and food facilities. These
can be used for organizing weekend and holiday Linux classes.

The town of Szczytno is situated in Mazury area and has a
population of 30.000. Szczytno has a number of sport facilities
like gyms, indoor swimming pools, tennis courts, horse riding,
cinemas and other). The town is also an acedemic center.

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