
Computer Bits: Linux for the uninitiated

“So you’ve read some about this Linux thing and figure, “Heck,
it’s free. I might as well give it a try. What’s a 30-gigabyte hard
drive good for, anyway?”

People accustomed to Windows — or, I suppose, the
Macintosh — are in for a bit of culture shock when they begin to
dabble in Linux. I certainly was. Here are some of the issues
you’ll likely have to face if you’ve spent most of your computing
life in Microsoft Windows.

“…It’s not unusual to come across fairly adept Windows users
who’ve spent little or no time at the C: prompt. Microsoft and
other Windows application developers want to shield their customers
from the slings and arrows of all of those obscure command-line
commands and options. Why learn del and copy when Windows Explorer
has such a nice graphical user interface?”


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