
Computerworld: Linux fans fear Red Hat takeover

“To some in the Linux community, Red Hat Software seems to want
to hijack the free Unix variant. But in interviews with
Computerworld, Red Hat president Matthew Szulik endorsed the Linux
Standards Base (LSB), the official Linux standards group.”

“And Erik Troan, director of development at Red Hat, said,
“We’re very supportive of what the Linux Standards Base is doing. .
. . Their emphasis on making applications portable is in the best
interests of everybody.”

“But Szulik also said standards groups often slow down the pace
of innovation. And other Red Hat officials in recent weeks have
referred to standards groups as “overhead”.”

“Szulik also said Red Hat, based in Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina, wouldn’t want to see the LSB be used by other Linux
vendors, with less market share, to catch up to Red Hat. (The LSB,
based in California, seeks to ensure that different commercial
versions of Linux, called distributions, are just similar enough to
run the same applications written for Linux.)”

“Daniel Quinlan, chairman of the LSB’s steering committee, said
he believes Red Hat fully supports the effort.”

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