“As the Apache Web server grows and matures, new features are
added and old bugs are fixed. Perhaps one of the most important new
features added to recent Apache versions (2.2.12, to be specific)
is the long-awaited support for multiple SSL sites on a single IP
address.“Traditionally, it was only possible to have an SSL-enabled Web
site if it was bound to one particular IP address. This has caused
a lot of grief and frustration because if you had only two IP
addresses, you could only have two SSL-enabled sites.“On two IP addresses you can have any number of regular HTTP
sites strung out across them both or bound to a single IP, but for
each of these, only one HTTPS site. What made this even more
frustrating is that if www.example1.com and www.example2.com were
on the same IP and example1.com had an HTTPS site as well, going to
https://www.example2.com/ would, in fact, take you to the
equivalent of visiting https://www.example1.com/. This meant that
most people who wanted HTTPS sites had to restrict one site (both
HTTP and HTTPS variants) to a single IP address to avoid this type
of confusion.”
Configure Apache to support multiple SSL sites on a single IP address
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